Count me in slash four series

Be warned dear readers, that this is a mini musing that can be quite daunting and emotional post about AGING..,so first and for all, please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused..

From the first month of 2022 up to my own birthday month, the feeling was all sorts of freakishness

but with some good drinks it is not that bad .. But then again, blessing is on my side due to a 

Photo by the 6yo
I love it

Truly hectic times having been privileged with the honour to co-organise my grandmother’s 80th birthday dash family gathering on 10.10.2022, which is about a week earlier from my own, 

the scare became only a dim / soft / light shadow.. light headed ness still lingering, then my own big night…on behalf of the spouse, I selected my own cake 

That crown (husband,son,dad,myself ate like hungry horses) was actually my granny’s for her big party.

So, something borrowed something new for the 4Ds ‘big night’ :)

I hope you like my pictures. Hoorah 4 series

P/s at the time of updating this (3/1/2022) I am deeply moved by my son’s remark as we took a backseat from grocery shopping ride home. He said (in our native words) ‘it is sad on your birth day party night there were only few of us, - me, daddy, grandpa and you’. Of course I responded with hint of a view of an opportunist and realist. But in the back of my mind, the fact I didn’t fell flat in the restaurant and fainted after hustling the day’s work - and multitasking plus managing the unexplainable feeling of turning 40 plus worrying about finishing the cake from le hubby - made me feel quite alright


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