
Kids' drawings are very interesting. I like that 'carelessness' seen in the shape of the doodles. 

I saw my cub started to doodle a lot when he was a year and few months old. In fact I cannot keep some notebooks to myself for my journaling because he had a lot to 'write' about and 'more' to tell through abstract arts.

Doodling properly as an adult is is quite different. We care about motives and so much more. The most recent proper art lesson for me was in 2006 with tv drama illustration-related worker / teacher / lecturer / photograper slash more who was about to retire in few months of teaching me and gang.

Then I met a teacher who helped me create doodles and I was very inspired to sharpen my doodling competency πŸ˜„. Up to now, it is much like a learning in progress for me with basic doodling. 

I would like to dedicate a page in my blog about doodles - pictures and links for learning doodle - and most importantly I would love to learn how to doodle with my cub. I hope you could share tips in comment. Thank you very much. 

I notice we could draw in a special box to search for characters

Doodle picture from previous post πŸ˜„

And here's more ...  some doodle creation from around the internet. Let's have a look:

πŸ’« salt painting

I wish to add more picture sometimes in the future. See you soon and thank you for dropping by..


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